Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Caffeine Withdrawal Now a Valid Legal Defense for Morning Crimes, Judges Say While Clutching Lattes


Courthouse Goes Caffeinated: Judges Rule “I Needed Coffee” an Acceptable Defense

In a landmark verdict that sent shockwaves through the legal world and a ripple of relief through the sleep-deprived masses, judges across the nation have declared caffeine withdrawal a legitimate defense for crimes committed before 10 am.

The ruling came during the highly anticipated case of Susan Miller, a disgruntled office worker charged with assault with a deadly stapler after an altercation with a coworker over the last of the breakroom coffee creamer.

“Your honor, I’m not saying I’m innocent,” Ms. Miller argued, trembling slightly from a potent combination of stress and unfulfilled caffeine cravings. “But have you ever tried to function before your second latte? I wasn’t in my right mind!”

The courtroom erupted in murmurs of agreement, and even the presiding judge was seen discreetly sipping from a travel mug suspiciously resembling a Starbucks Venti.

“Let’s be reasonable,” the judge stated, adjusting his powdered wig to better resemble a whipped cream swirl. “We all know the transformative power of that first cup. Without it, even the most mild-mannered citizen can morph into a monstrous, potentially stapler-wielding beast.”

The landmark decision has had sweeping consequences. Prosecutors are scrambling to rethink their morning strategies, while defense lawyers enthusiastically brew up new arguments.

“My client wasn’t speeding, your honor; he was desperately trying to reach the nearest drive-thru,” one lawyer proclaimed, presenting a crumpled Starbucks rewards card as evidence.

Experts predict an uptick in “crimes of passion” committed between the hours of 6 am and 9 am. Coffee shops near courthouses are raking in record profits due to defendants frantically trying to mitigate their sentences with caffeine.

Critics of the ruling decry this as a slippery slope. “What’s next? Excusing bank robberies because someone wanted an extra shot of espresso?” one outraged commentator stated (before immediately taking a large gulp from his conspicuously oversized thermos).

Despite the controversy, proponents of the “caffeine defense” stand firm. “It’s about understanding basic human needs,” argues noted legal expert and coffee addict, Anya Rao. “Justice should be tempered with a strong dose of compassion – preferably a dark roast.”

As the nation grapples with the implications of this groundbreaking verdict, one thing remains clear: mornings just got a whole lot more legally treacherous. Baristas, prepare yourselves. Your skills may now determine the fate of the accused.

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