Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Hieroglyphics Deciphered, Turns Out to be Mostly Complaints About Taxes


Ancient Egyptians: Not So Mysterious After All. Hieroglyphs Reveal Obsession with Taxes and Pigeons

Archaeologists have made a groundbreaking discovery that shatters the mystique of Ancient Egypt. Turns out, those intricate hieroglyphics adorning temple walls and sarcophagi weren’t lofty odes to gods or epic tales of pharaohs, but mostly mundane complaints about taxes, lousy neighbors, and an alarming pigeon problem.

“We always imagined these inscriptions were profound,” admits a bewildered Egyptologist, adjusting her sun-bleached Indiana Jones hat. “Instead, it’s like reading the world’s oldest Twitter rant about grain shortages.”

Deciphered hieroglyphs reveal the true concerns of the ancient world:

  • “The tax collector took my sandals! AGAIN.” – An indignant taxpayer, providing a timeless example of bureaucratic frustration.
  • “Pigeons ate my offering to Ra. No wonder my crops failed!” – A superstitious farmer blaming birds for agricultural woes.
  • “Ramses down the street throws the loudest parties. Where can a hardworking servant get some sleep around here?” – The equivalent of a strongly-worded note slipped under your neighbor’s papyrus doormat.

Experts now face the daunting task of rewriting history books. Forget grand battles and mystical rituals; Ancient Egyptian life was apparently filled with remarkably relatable struggles.

Pop culture depictions of Egypt are thrown into disarray:

  • Blockbuster movie scripts hastily rewritten – instead of curses, mummies now moan about back taxes.
  • Museums scramble to update exhibits: “Treasures of Tutankhamun” is replaced with “Tax Forms and Pigeon Repellent: A Pharaoh’s Daily Grind.”

This discovery raises profound questions. Were ancient civilizations less sophisticated than we thought, or simply more likely to etch their gripes into stone for eternity? Social media comparisons abound: “Hieroglyphs are basically the original emoji-filled subtweet,” proclaims one commentator.

As scholars continue to sift through millennia of surprisingly petty complaints, one thing becomes clear: whether carved in stone or typed in 280 characters, humans have always had a knack for finding things to complain about. It seems even amidst the grandeur of pyramids and the Nile, daily life was filled with decidedly less glamorous concerns – taxes, pigeons, and the ancient equivalent of noisy neighbors.

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