Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Local Karen Falls for ‘Free Botox’ Prank, Face Tragically Smooth for Weeks


Karen, self-proclaimed queen of the suburban HOA and connoisseur of passive-aggressive complaints, has met her match – and it’s not the teenager with the suspiciously long skateboard. In a shocking twist of fate (and a cleverly executed prank), Karen found herself the victim of her own relentless search for perfection.

It all began with a poorly photoshopped flyer promising “Free Botox – Ask For Details!” taped haphazardly to the organic kale section of the grocery store. It was a trap, laid by a group of mischievous high schoolers with too much time and an impressive supply of wrinkle-removal ads. Karen, lured by the promise of eternal youth and, more importantly, the ability to weaponize a perfectly smooth forehead against subpar customer service, fell for it hook, line, and frown line.

Days later, Karen emerged from a backroom “treatment” at the local nail salon, not with the promised glow but with a horrifying realization. Her face, once etched with the well-earned lines of righteous indignation, was now a blank canvas of terrifying smoothness. Her signature scowl, a weapon honed over endless PTA meetings and encounters with overly chatty cashiers, was no more.

Chaos ensued. Her attempts to complain to the manager were met with stifled laughter and poorly concealed offers of “discount wrinkle restoration” procedures. Her demands fell on deaf ears, or rather, faces disturbingly incapable of physically expressing concern. Neighborhood dogs, usually cowering at her approach, seemed strangely emboldened by her lack of frown. Even her HOA emails lost their usual bite, the absence of her disapproving expression softening their impact.

For weeks, Karen existed in a twilight zone of terrifying smoothness. The world, it seemed, had turned against her. People were less intimidated and more amused. Laughter erupted where there should have been fear. But as the mysterious “Botox” faded, and her wrinkles slowly crept back, Karen learned a valuable lesson: sometimes, the best weapon is a perfectly timed scowl, and even the most perfectly smooth face can’t erase the wrinkles of a truly difficult personality.

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