Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

In a bold and unprecedented move, China has declared that the far side of the moon is now part of the South China Sea, expanding its territorial claims to new celestial heights. This announcement comes on the heels of the successful landing of the Chang’e-6 spacecraft on the moon’s far side, a historic mission aimed at collecting lunar samples and conducting scientific experiments.

The Announcement

In a statement that left international observers both baffled and amused, a Chinese government spokesperson announced, “With the successful landing of our Chang’e-6 mission, we are proud to extend our sovereignty to the far side of the moon. This area will now be considered part of the South China Sea and subject to Chinese law.”

The Mission

China’s Chang’e-6 mission, launched in May 2024, marks the country’s continued advancements in space exploration. The spacecraft successfully landed in the Apollo crater within the South Pole–Aitken basin, one of the moon’s largest and oldest impact sites. The mission aims to collect lunar soil and rock samples, which will be returned to Earth for analysis.

International Reactions

The international community has reacted with a mix of incredulity and concern. “This is a new level of territorial ambition,” remarked a UN spokesperson. “While we applaud China’s scientific achievements, this declaration is clearly meant to provoke and amuse.”

Space agencies and governments worldwide have yet to comment officially, but social media has exploded with reactions. Hashtags like #LunarSovereignty and #ChinaOnTheMoon have been trending, with users sharing memes and jokes about the latest territorial claim.

Future Implications

China’s claim, while obviously satirical, highlights the country’s aggressive stance on territorial expansion, a stance that has already caused significant tension in the South China Sea. The move to extend this claim to the moon, even in jest, underscores the ongoing geopolitical strategies at play.


As the world watches China’s lunar activities with a mixture of admiration and skepticism, it remains to be seen how this latest claim will influence both international relations and space exploration policies. The Crustian Daily will continue to provide updates on this and other space-related stories as they unfold.

Stay tuned for more satirical coverage of global events and the ever-expanding ambitions of nations reaching for the stars.

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